Emergencies Happen…
Most of us have someone we know who has experienced a personal injury or wrongful death of a loved one. The statistics underscore the importance of having the BoneeWeintraub law firm standing by when life is quiet – don’t wait until there is an emergency…
Personal Injury and Wrongful Death. Motor vehicle accidents and slip and fall accidents are the #1 and #2 causes of injuries in the United States. Animal bites and medical malpractice due to another party’s negligence are affecting millions of people every year. If you or a loved one is the victim of an injury as a result of someone else’s carelessness, you should seek immediate legal counsel from BoneeWeintraub, a law firm you can trust to represent your best interests.
Motor Vehicle Accidents / Dog Bites. On average, there are over 6 million car accidents in the U.S. annually resulting in 2 million permanent injuries and 40,000 deaths. Every year there are over 5 million dog bites with over 800,000 people needing medical attention.
Slip and Fall Accidents. There are over 9 million slip and fall accidents annually – 25,000 injuries requiring hospital care daily – making it the number one reason for emergency room visits. The average cost for these accidents is $28,000 which includes medical bills, physical therapy and missed wages. Slip and falls are the number two cause of accidental deaths and disability, following behind auto accidents.
You Need Results. Whatever the personal injury or the wrongful death of a loved one, it is one of the most traumatic events of your life and you need a law firm that has the experience to achieve results. BoneeWeintraub has successfully achieved results in excess of one million dollars to benefit our clients.
Our Results
Slip and Fall Accidents. There are over 9 million slip and fall accidents annually – 25,000 injuries requiring hospital care daily – making it the number one reason for emergency room visits. The average cost for these accidents is $28,000 which includes medical bills, physical therapy and missed wages. Slip and falls are the number two cause of accidental deaths and disability, following behind auto accidents. Attorneys John Bonee | Eric Rothauser
Bicycle Rider Hit by Automobile. Client injured when riding bicycle and hit from behind by automobile on Route 44 in Avon. High five figure settlement in 1980’s.
Attorneys John Bonee | Eric Rothauser
Wrongful Death Caused by Tractor Without Rear Lights. Older client driving on state road ran into farm wagon pulled by tractor without rear lights or reflective warning and died from injuries suffered in the crash. Settled for high six figures. Attorneys John Bonee | Eric Rothauser
Numerous Motor Vehicle Accidents. We have represented numerous clients in pursuing and receiving compensation for motor vehicle injuries.
Attorneys John Bonee | Eric Rothauser
Recovery for Client in Rollover Injury. Our client was a back seat passenger in a car that was struck from behind by a drunk driver. Our client’s car was sent sailing over the car rail, rolled over several times, and suffered numerous internal and external injuries. Investigation showed that the drunk driver was a car salesman, had a poor driving record, and was given a demo vehicle as part of his employment by a car dealership. We negotiated a significant settlement for our client.
Attorneys John Bonee | Eric Rothauser
Two Men Seriously Injured by Drunk Driver. Two clients were severely injured due to a drunk driver running a red light. Both clients spent numerous days in the hospital recovering from their injuries. After filing lawsuit a significant settlement was achieved for both clients.
Attorneys John Bonee | Eric Rothauser
Motorcycle Rider Severely Injured. Our client was out for a leisurely ride on a clear summer day when his whole life changed in a blink of an eye. A young driver never saw our client and made a left hand turn in front of him. Our client tried to stop in time, but his leg impacted the pickup’s bumper, severely breaking it in 3 places. Several surgeries and a year of physical therapy were not enough to enable our client to walk as he had previously. A lawsuit commenced and a significant settlement was achieved.
Attorneys John Bonee | Eric Rothauser
Many Dog Bite Cases with Damages Paid to Client.
Attorneys John Bonee | Eric Rothauser
At BoneeWeintraub you are a person, not a number. We are on your team and understand the pressures, pain and uncertainty you wake up to every morning. The only way you can get justice is to take action. Call, email or write us today for a free consultation. You will not pay any legal fees until we get a recovery for you.